NZ Panels Group - NZ Panels Group - Home Ideas Centre Tablet App

The Project

New Zealand Panels is a renowned provider of architectural and decorative panels known for their premium-quality products. They asked Phosphor to create a tablet app to allow people at their exhibition space in the Home Ideas Centre to securely view the the NZ Panels website.

The core objectives were to:

  1. Elevate the customer experience within the Home Ideas Centre.
  2. Showcase New Zealand Panels' extensive product range effectively.
  3. Simplify product selection for customers.
  4. Enable customers to visualise product applications in their projects.
  5. Gather data for better customer engagement and future product planning.

The Solution

This project was perfect for the Phosphor Website kiosk, software which allows the secure presentation of a website on a kiosk.

The Result

Using the Phosphor website kiosk, NZ panels were able to provide:

  1. Enhanced Customer Engagement: An interactive tool for visitors to explore and visualise products.
  2. Streamlined Decision-Making: Simplified product selection and comparison.
  3. Improved Data Insights: NZ Panels were able to track users of the kiosk