NZ Green Building Council - Homefit Online Check and Assessment

HomeFit is a no-nonsense, straightforward web application to help people check if a home is warm, dry and safe.

Homefit Web Application

The Project

In partnership with the New Zealand Building Council (NZBC), Phosphor undertook a transformative project to develop the Homefit Online Check and Assessment application, designed to empower homeowners, renters, and landlords in New Zealand. This case study delves into the design and development process, objectives, and the ultimate impact of this innovative web application.

Homefit: Pioneering Home Assessment

Homefit is a pioneering web application intended to provide valuable insights and assessments for a diverse range of users, including homeowners, renters, landlords, and assessors. Its core purpose is to enable users to determine the suitability of their homes in terms of warmth, dryness, and overall safety. This initiative also offers crucial guidance to landlords to help them meet the government's Healthy Homes Standards.

Project Goals

  1. User-Friendly Interface: To design a user-friendly and intuitive interface that caters to both the general public and assessors.

  2. Audit Capability: To allow assessors to upload photographic evidence for each assessment question, and the subsequent assessments can be audited for accuracy and compliance.

  3. Educational Tool: To provide a platform for users to assess the health and safety of their homes and, where necessary, guide them toward improvements.

The Solution

Homefit Online Check and Assessment

Phosphor collaborated closely with NZ Green Building Council to develop Homefit, a web application that streamlines the process of assessing residential properties. The application provides an uncomplicated and transparent means for New Zealanders to evaluate the essential aspects of their homes. It is particularly valuable for individuals seeking to buy or rent properties, as well as homeowners looking to enhance their properties.

Key Features:

  • User-Friendly Interface:Phosphor created a clear and easy-to-navigate interface that can be fully customised by the NZ Green Building team. This ensures the tool remains flexible and adaptable to evolving needs.

  • Photographic Evidence:Assessors are required to upload photographs for each assessment question, which enhances the thoroughness of evaluations and adds credibility to the process.

  • Installer Directory: The application provides access to an installer directory, making it easy for users to identify and connect with professionals who can help them make necessary improvements.

The Result

Achievements and Impact

Empowering New Zealanders to Make Informed Decisions

Homefit has already started to make a significant impact on the New Zealand housing market:

  1. Improved Home Assessment: It provides users with the tools they need to make informed decisions about the suitability of a property. This not only empowers homeowners but also drives landlords to make essential improvements, ensuring healthier and safer homes.

  2. Government Compliance: The application aids landlords in meeting the government's Healthy Homes Standards, thus contributing to the overall improvement of living conditions in New Zealand.

  3. Transparency and Auditability: By allowing for assessments to be audited, Homefit ensures transparency and accountability in the assessment process.

  4. Easy Accessibility: The user-friendly interface has made it accessible to a wide range of users, from property seekers to landlords, enhancing its utility.

The Homefit Online Check and Assessment application, developed in collaboration with the NZ Green Building Council, is a groundbreaking tool for New Zealanders. It offers a comprehensive, user-friendly platform for assessing the quality of residential properties, thereby promoting safer, healthier, and more energy-efficient living conditions. Phosphor's contribution to this project exemplifies the company's commitment to creating innovative solutions that have a positive impact on communities.

Thank you for being a part of the launch of HomeFit, and helping to make homes better for all Kiwis. The team here are stoked at how successful the first few days have been. We’ve already had thousands and thousands of New Zealanders complete the online check at

Andrew Eagles , Chief Executive New Zealand Green Building Council