SkyCity - Website Design and Development

The Project

Redesigning and Developing SKYCITY Entertainment Group's Websites

SKYCITY Entertainment Group Limited, a prominent entertainment and gaming business in New Zealand and Australia, initially entrusted Phosphor with the task of redesigning and developing six substantial websites. The challenge was not just migrating from one Content Management System (CMS) to another but also enhancing functionality to elevate the user experience.

Phosphor has supported Skycity over the 15 years since and is responsible for the design and development of the current Umbraco website.

The Challenges

A Comprehensive Redesign and CMS Update

In 2018, Phosphor initiated a comprehensive redesign and CMS update, focusing on improving the customer journey and adding more functionality for a smoother website experience. The key solutions implemented included:

  1. Streamlined Customer Journey: The new design prioritised clarity and simplicity, making it easier for users to navigate through the extensive content. The goal was to enable users to quickly and effortlessly accomplish tasks such as booking hotel rooms, making restaurant reservations, purchasing tickets for the Sky Tower, and exploring weekend events.

  2. Functionality Enhancements: Phosphor integrated new functionalities, such as restaurant and hotel bookings and payments, to enrich the user experience. The addition of these features aimed to make the websites more user-friendly and convenient.

  3. In-room TV Application Integration: To keep content updates centralised, Phosphor integrated the in-room TV application with the website. This ensured consistency across platforms and facilitated seamless communication of information to users.

  4. Customised Restaurant Pages: The restaurant pages were given a makeover, allowing for customisation to reflect each restaurant's unique brand. Various sections were introduced to change the page's appearance, providing a tailored experience for users.

The Solution

Shifting Six Websites and Enhancing Functionality

The initial project, undertaken several years ago, involved the migration of six major websites from one CMS to another. This transition required meticulous planning and execution to ensure a seamless transfer of data and functionality. The challenge didn't end there; Phosphor aimed to enhance the websites by integrating restaurant and hotel bookings and payments.

The Result

Clarity, Simplicity, and Enhanced User Experience

The culmination of these efforts resulted in a website that not only met the challenge of migrating from one CMS to another but also significantly improved user satisfaction. The new design brought clarity and simplicity to complex content, making it easier for users to navigate and achieve their goals. Whether booking a hotel room, reserving a table at a restaurant, or exploring entertainment options, users found the websites more intuitive and functional.

In conclusion, Phosphor successfully executed a project that not only addressed the challenges posed by the migration but also enhanced the overall functionality and user experience of SKYCITY Entertainment Group's websites. The result is a user-friendly, visually appealing platform that aligns with SKYCITY's iconic brand and status in the entertainment and gaming industry.

“SKYCITY continuously undertakes data analysis to determine how our customers were arriving at our Auckland website, and what they were doing when they got there. The analysis led us on a journey to make the typical journey even easier for our customers.

We engaged our website partner, Phosphor Essence, to redesign our Auckland website based on these findings, and were blown away with the result. They took the opportunity to not only optimise the customer journey, but also implement some extremely useful backend features, such as content tagging, content sections and the enhanced media module.

We’ve had a myriad of positive feedback from our staff and customers, and are extremely happy with our partnership with Phosphor Essence.”

Adam Butcher Digital & Online Channel Manager - Skycity